Poverty & Environmental Degradation

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Connexions Library

Appalachia Rising: Which Side Are You On?
Mincy, Grant
On January 9, 2014, a dangerous toxin, 4-methylcyclohexane methanol, leaked from a busted tank and into the Elk River in West Virginia. It is believed that nearly 7,500 gallons of the toxin made its w...
Bangladesh: Of Disasters and a Disastrous Development
Gillespie, Peter
Dispossession, disparities in land distribution, and inappropriate development strategies in Bangladesh.
Canary Islands vs. Big Oil
Wilow, Norma
Thousands of Canary Islands residents and activists have begun campaigning against Spanish oil company Repsol, and the potential oil spill that could devastate the wildlife and tourist and fishing ind...
Climate Change as a Class Issue
Coles, Nick
Protesting PNC Bank in Pittsburgh financing of mountain-top removal (MTR) coal mining across Appalachia. MTR causes increased cancer rates and birth defects, as well as massive environmental degradati...
A Short History of Progress
Wright, Ronald
If the population growth, consumption of resources, and technological advances continue according to the trend of the twentieth century, at the expense of the earth, the outcome may be disastrous.

Connexions Directory of Groups & Websites

Citizens for Public Justice
CPJ is a national organization promoting justice in Canadian public affairs, responding politically to God's call for love toward our neighbour and responsibility for our environment. We use research,...
Ontario Council for International Cooperation
OCIC is a coalition of seventy organizations involved in international development and global education in Ontario which are active in Asia, Africa and Latin America. OCIC assists its members to co-or...
Zatoun is a NGO which brings fair trade olive oil from occupied Palestine. It highlights the plight of Palestinian farmers and the destruction of their livelihood. Olive oil is a basic food which remi...

Sources Experts & Spokespersons

Sources Library

Cotton-pickin trade
US and European growers receive government subsidies while farmers in Mali struggle to survive on 300$ a year
Day. Elizabeth
Inequity in the global tradiing system of cotton means that farmers in West Africa struggle to survive. International prices have been driven down by subsidies and disproportionately disadvantage the ...