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Connexions Library

Chomsky for Beginners
Cogswell, David; Gordon, Paul
An introduction to the life and works of Noam Chomsky.
Language death: Connexipedia Article
A process that affects speech communities.
Nim and Noam: Skinner, Chomsky and the Chimp
Young, Charles M.
How psychologists abused a chimpanzee in a failed attempt to prove that Noam Chomsky was wrong about language.
Problems of Knowledge and Freedom: The Russell Lectures
Chomsky, Noam
These lectures explore Bertrand Russell's work on empiricism, morality, linguistics and politics. ...

Sources Library

Don't believe the rumours. Universal Grammar is alive and well.
Milway, Dan
According to a recent article in Scientific American, however, the community I just described doesn’t exist, and maybe couldn’t possibly exist in linguistics today, because the kind of work that I jus...
The Oxford Guide to Writing & Speaking
The Key to Effective Communication
Seely, John