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Particularly recommended items are flagged with a red logo:

Connexions Library

American Fascists: The Christian Right and the War on America
Hedges, Chris
Hedges examines the Christian Right's origins, its driving motivation and its dark ideological underpinnings, with interviews and coverage of events such as pro-life rallies and weeklong classes on co...
God: A Human History - a rescue attempt by Reza Aslan: Book review
Namazie, Maryam
Gods and religions have caused so much distress that even those who have spent a lifetime apologising for and ignoring the doctrinal foundations of their abuses must make a rescue attempt.
In the name of GOD The abuses of religion: New Internationalist August 2004
Serial Publication (Periodical)
Discusses the relationship between religion. The role of religion within political issues.
Neither Allah, Nor Master!
El Fani, Nadia
A cinematic exploration of secularism in the Muslim country of Tunisia before and after the deposition of Ben Ali.

Sources Library

The City in History
Its Origins, Its Transformations, and Its Prospects
Mumford, Lewis
Beginning with an interpretation of the origin and nature of the city, Mumford follows the city's development from Egypt and Mesopotamia through Greece, Rome, and the Middle Ages to the modern world.