Fraud Detection & Prevention

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Connexions Library

The Big Sell
Berton, Pierre
Extrasensory Deception
Gordon, Henry
The Faith Healers
Randi, James
James Randi, magician and debunker of charlatans of all stripes sets his sights on Christian faith healers. He and his associates invented names, life histories, illnesses and tracked down multimillio...

Sources Experts & Spokespersons

Sources Library

False positives: fraud and misconduct are threatening scientific research
High-profile cases and modern technology are putting scientific deceit under the microscope
Jha, Alok
Better detection tools and a rising retraction rate suggest scientific fraud may be widespread.
'Can you hear me?': New phone scam tricks you into answering 'yes'
Snowdon, Wallis
Describes a new telephone scam being run in North America, wherein a recording of one's voice saying the word 'yes' is used to defraud victims.
Pranks, Frauds, and Hoaxes from Around the World
Carroll, Robert
It's pretty easy to hoax people. We all want to be deceived, but only up to a point. Some hoaxes are fun and pleasant, others malicious and unpleasant. We'd like a way to tell the difference.