Drought/Developing Countries

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Climate change: how a warming world is a threat to our food supplies
Vidal, John
Global warming is exacerbating political instability as tensions brought on by food insecurity rise. With research suggesting the issue can only get worse we examine the risks around the world.
Grainger, Alan
A decade ago the Sahel drought killed thousands of people and millions of animals. It focused world attention on the dangers and causes of desertification. This book examines the reasons: overcultivat...
Gonzalez, Evereado
As a result of the persistent drought, an entire community prepares for an inevitable exodus from their homeland in northern Mexico.
The Encroaching Desert: Report
Independent Commission on International Humanitarian Issues
This new report for a top-level international Commission focuses attention on the relentless spreading of the world's deserts. This report highlights the shortcomings of the Third World countries as w...