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Connexions Library

China's Cyber-War: Don't Believe the Hype: Net Threat Inflation
Lee, Peter
Addressing cyber-theft, U.S hypocrisy, and China.
China's Cyberspying Is 'on a Scale No One Imagined' -- if You Pretend NSA Doesn't Exist
Jackson, Janine
Stories about cyberespionage -- like the data theft at the US Office of Personal Management believed but not officially stated to have been carried out by China -- are weird. For one thing, they inclu...
Documents Reveal Canada's Secret Hacking Tactics
Gallagher, Ryan
Canada's electronic surveillance agency has secretly developed an arsenal of cyberweapons capable of stealing data and destroying adversaries' infrastructure, according to newly revealed classified do...
Hacktivist Jeremy Hammond Sentenced to 10 Years: His Idealism Remains at Large
Hayase, Nozomi
28-year-old political activist Jeremy Hammond was sentenced to 10 years in prison and three years of supervised release at the Federal District Court for the Southern District of New York. This was th...
Jeremy Hammond's Court Statement Upon Being Sentenced To 10 Years In Jail
Hammond, Jeremy
Jeremy Hammond was sentenced to ten years in prison for hacking Stratfor communications, then releasing information to Wikileaks. This is his statement.
Researchers Find 'Astonishing' Malware Linked to NSA Spying
Gallagher, Peter
Security researchers have uncovered highly sophisticated malware that is linked to a secret National Security Agency hacking operation.