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  1. Anarchy is struggle for life, freedom and dignity
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2010
    A communique by the Circle of Fire anarchist collective and the Anarchist Bulletin BLACK FLAG on the events of May 5th, 2010 in Athens, when three bank workers were murdered by 'anarchist' arsonists. The murders came as an ultimate result of an irrational, meaningless and needless violence which is promoted by an autistic, un-political and anti-social concept that has become a parasite to the anarchist/antiauthoritarian movement, sucking its blood and disparaging it, leading it to criminalisation and social isolation.
  2. The Caribbean Left's Legacy
    Against The Current vol. 112

    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2004
    Sara Abraham interviews Eusi Kwayana of The Working People's Alliance (WPA) in Guyana. The WPA continued to organize and build its ranks through a democratic socialist multi racial agenda, but has continuously been marginalized by the two party system, wining only one or two seats in each election.
  3. Connexions
    Volume 7, Number 2 - May 1982 - Canada-Latin America/Le Canada-L'Amerique Latine

    Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
    First Published: 1982
  4. Greece mourns slain anti-fascist rapper Pavlos Fyssas
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2017
    A self-professed Golden Dawn member stabbed leftist rapper Killah P to death in Piraeus on September 18, 2013.
  5. The Legacy of Forest Defender Chut Wutty
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2012
    On the life, work, and death of the late Cambodian forest activist Chut Wutty, shot and killed at a logging site by military police.
  6. "One less traitor": Zelensky oversees campaign of assassination, kidnapping and torture of political opposition
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2022
    While claiming to defend democracy, Ukraine's Volodymyr Zelensky has outlawed his opposition, ordered his rivals' arrest, and presided over the disappearance and assassination of dissidents across the country.
  7. Statement to the Court
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 1996
    I have no doubt at all about the ultimate success of my cause, no matter the trials and tribulations which I and those who believe with me may encounter on our journey. Nor imprisonment or death can stop our ultimate victory.
  8. The Strange Death of Hugo Chavez: an Interview with Eva Golinger
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2016
    I believe there is a very strong possibility that President Chavez was assassinated. There were notorious and documented assassination attempts against him throughout his presidency. Most notable was the April 11, 2002 coup d'etat, during which he was kidnapped and set to be assassinated had it not been for the unprecedented uprising of the Venezuelan people and loyal military forces that rescued him and returned him to power within 48 hours. I was able to find irrefutable evidence using the US Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), that the CIA and other US agencies were behind that coup and supported, financially, militarily and politically, those involved. Later on, there were other attempts against Chavez.
  9. A Transformed Force
    Against The Current vol. 121

    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2006
    The following essay is a translated and edited version of a recent op-ed piece by Félix Córdova Iturregui, a veteran socialist activist, member of the Taller de Formación Política and the Frente Socialista de Puerto Rico, and ex-President of the Association of University Professors of the University of Puerto Rico. In this essay, he argues that the massive popular demonstrations after the assassination of Machetero (Popular Puerto Rican Army) leader, Filiberto Ojeda Ríos, occurred in a context where U.S. institutions, particularly the FBI and the U.S. military, are in a rapid period of deterioration, which is being particularly felt in its colony, Puerto Rico.
  10. The U.S. Empire & Modern Day Christian Martyrs
    80th Priest Killed in Colombia Since 1984

    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2013
    there has been almost no media coverage of the killings of the “two bishops, 79 priests, eight men and women religious, as well as three seminarians” killed in Colombia alone between 1984 and 2011.

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Kalender Veranstaltungen in ganz Kanada. Siehe auch: Sources Kalender and Pressemeldungen.
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Mission Connexions ist gedacht für die Unterstützung von Personen und Gruppen, die sich für Freiheit und Soziale Gerechtigkeit einsetzen. Unser anliegen ist es die Aufzeichnungen vom wirken von Menschen und deren Kampf gegen Unterdrückung und für gesellschaftlichen Wandel zur Verfügung zu stellen. Wir glauben daran, dass je mehr wir über die Konflikte, Siege und Niederlagen der Vergangenheit und über diejenigen die daran Teilgenommen haben wissen, desto besser sind wir dazu in der Lage eine neue Welt zu gestallten. Connexions verfügt sowohl über einen Bestand an Büchern und Dokumenten und ist außerdem bemüht das bereits bestehende digitale Archiv an Dokumenten weiter auszubauen. Wir arbeiten daran einen weiten Themenbereich abzudecken, der eine Vielzahl von unterschiedlichen Ansichten und Herangehensweisen für Gesellschaftlichen Wandel umfasst, alles mit dem Grundsätzlichen anliegen der Unterstützung der Demokratie, Bürgerrechte, freie Meinungsäußerung, Menschenrechen, Säkularität, Gleichheit, wirtschaftlichen Gerechtigkeit, ökologisches Verantwortungsbewusstsein und dem erschaffen und dem erhalt von Gemeinschaft. Wir sind International orientiert, allerdings haben wir als kanadisches Projekt eine besonders große Auswahl an kanadischen Dokumenten und Informationen über kanadische Organisationen.