Cultural Appropriation

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Connexions Library

Away with the gatekeepers!: The bane of cultural appropriation
Malik, Kenan
On the the controversies over 'cultural appropriation' and what they reveal about the degradation of contemporary campaigns for social justice.
Buy Banned Books
Brooks, Bonny
The article takes a look at 'banned books' in the social media era, where the 'imagination police' dominate and a form of 'fictional aparteid' is taking place, and moreover why we have a duty to buy t...
In Defense of Cultural Appropriation
Malik, Kenan
It is just as well that I’m a writer, not an editor. Were I editing a newspaper or magazine, I might soon be out of a job. For this is an essay in defense of cultural appropriation. In Canada last mon...
The Myth of 'Cultural Appropriation'
Michaels, Walter Benn
Arguing that certain people don’t have the right to tell certain stories is a distraction from the real menace: inequality.
Other Voices: The Connexions Newsletter - June 18, 2016
Serial Publication (Periodical)
This issue of Other Voices features a wide range of issues. The topic of the week is homophobia, the hate that led to 49 deaths in Orlando last week, but which is present in greater or lesser form in ...
The Real Value of Diversity
Malik, Kenan
The real failure of multiculturalism is its failure to understand what is valuable about cultural diversity. There is nothing good in itself about diversity. It is important because it allows us to co...
Who is appropriating what?
Malik, Kenan
Last week the novelist Lionel Shriver gave the keynote address at the Brisbane Writers Festival. It did not go well. She addressed the question of 'Fiction and identity politics' (apparently the organ...

Sources Library

Africa: Cultural Appropriation - When 'Borrowing' Becomes Exploitation
Arewa, Olufunmilayo
The idea of "cultural appropriation" has recently entered mainstream debates about the ways in which African cultural creations are used, borrowed and imitated by others. In fashion, art, music and be...
The Great Book Robbery
Brunner, Benny (director)
As Palestinians were expelled from their land in 1948, librarians from Israel’s National Library followed the militias as they forced their way into Palestinian homes. Their mission was to collect as ...
Israeli museum transfer sets 'dangerous precedent'
Gostoli, Ylenia
A recent court ruling sanctioned the move of a rare archaeological library from East to West Jerusalem.
Stealing History
Tomb Raiders,Smugglers,and the Looting of the Ancient World
Atwood, Roger