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Connexions Library

Choosing Civility: The Twenty-Five Rules of Considerate Conduct
Forni, P.M.
To live a long, healthy and serene life we need the crucial help of a network of caring people - we need social support. In order to gain and keep social support we need social skills. Choosing Civili...
Civility: A Cultural History
Davetian, Benet
Through a historical, social, and psychological discussion of the civility practices in 3 nations - England, France and the United States, Davetian addresses major topics in public discourse today reg...
'Free speech' - as long as it doesn't offend anyone
Diemer, Ulli
On the issue of free speech most of the right and much of the left are in agreement, and so too are many liberals, activists, and human rights apparatchiks. They hold essentially the same position on ...
Noise, Sovereignty, and Civility
Blomberg, Les
Noise is caused by people and businesses claiming rights, usually property rights, to emit noise into the air, and by people who do not possess the civility to be good neighbors. While its effects are...
Other Voices: The Connexions Newsletter - October 2, 2014: Climate Change
Diemer, Ulli (editor); Khan, Tahmid (production)
Serial Publication (Periodical)
This issue of Other Voices looks at why so many people deny or ignore the very real and very near threat of climate change. We also look into the ways on how NGOs tame and undermine grassroots movemen...