Northern Native Rights Campaign
Organization profile published 1979

Publisher:  Project North, Toronto, Canada
Year Published:  1979
Resource Type:  Organization
Cx Number:  CX868A

In March of 1979 Project North is sponsoring a tour of northern native leaders through communities in southern Canada in order to bring them the position of northern native organizations regarding their rights.

In March of 1979 Project North is sponsoring a tour of northern native leaders through communities in southern Canada in order to bring them the position of northern native organizations regarding their rights. Organizations participating in this tour include the Council for Yukon Indians, the Dene Nation of the MacKenzie Valley, the Inuit Land Claims Commission of the N.W.T., the Nishga Tribal Council of Northern B.C., the Naskapi-Montagnais Innu Association of the Labrador Inuit Association. They will be meeting with Federal Government representatives in Ottawa on March 15 to outline their position on aboriginal rights, political self-determination, constitutional development, revision of the Indian Act, the Alaska Highway Natural Gas Pipeline and other major resource developments being planned.

In conjunction with this campaign there are press releases, a press kit, posters, booklets, a magazine and a leader's kit.

These organizations represent 25,000 original peoples who are permanent residents of their traditional lands. None of them have ever surrendered their land or extinguished their aboriginal rights. They insist the federal government is not taking negotiations with them seriously an disallowing large-scale development to proceed before or during negotiations.

This organization no longer exists.
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