Eligibility, Document#3, March 8, 1977

Publisher:  The Planning Council, Yukon Indian Claim, Council for Yukon Indians, Canada
Year Published:  1977
Pages:  3pp   Price:  free   Resource Type:  Article
Cx Number:  CX504

This document defines those who are eligible for participation in a land claims settlement and those who are not.

This document defines those who are eligible for participation in a land claims settlement and those who are not. There are five eligibility criteria one of which reads: "A person who can be proven to be a Yukon Indian of 25 percent or more Indian Blood; and resident in the Yukon between January 1, 1898 and January 1, 1941."

Furthermore, this document also outlines the formation of a credentials committee in each community, the appointment of a central registrar to prepare and maintain an ongoing eligibility list and a five member appeal board.
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