Search For Shelter

Year Published:  1984
Resource Type:  Organization
Cx Number:  CX3006

In May, 1982, six women, calling themselves the Housing Information Project, sponsored a workshop entitled SEARCH FOR SHELTER. Partial funding was provided by Secretary of State, Women's Program.

The workshop focused on the specific housing needs of four hard-to-house groups of people: discharged mental patients; multi-problemed senior citizens; women, particularly single mothers with three or more children; and people with histories of "house-wrecking" (often battered women).

Dr. Ann MacAfee, a housing planner for the City of Vancouver, gave the opening address. Since 1974 Dr. McAfee has been responsible for housing policy planning and for the implementation of special housing programs in Vancouver. Her talk reflected her long experience in the extensive knowledge of the housing policy. McAfee's approach encouraged workshop participants in that she helped do de-mystify the housing system, making the problems manageable and solveable.

A panel presentation focused on the four specific hard-to-house groups. The talks were prepared by people active in housing in such agencies as the Boyle St. Co-op (CX3005), Operation Friendship (CS3004), the Canadian Mental Health Association, WIN House, Canative Housing, Norwood School, and the Alberta Status of Women Action Committee. ASWAC prepared and presented a talk on the housing needs of single mothers, with special emphasis on the needs of children for secure, stable, and adequate shelter.

This organization no longer exists.
This abstract was published in the Connexions Digest in 1984.
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