Herizons - the Manitoba Women's Newspaper
Periodical profile published 1982

Year Published:  1982
Resource Type:  Serial Publication (Periodical)
Cx Number:  CX2581

HERIZONS began publication in October 1979 as "The Manitoba Women's Newspaper." It was established ".....to provide an alternative means of communications with a feminist perspective in order to stimulate, to inform, to effect change, and to unify women's strength. It also serves as a public forum of discussion for women of Manitoba."

HERIZONS is published ten times a year by a collective of about ten people. Circulaiton is about 10,000 with a paid subscription list of 700. The collective sees the papere as an educational tool and places an emphasis on distributing it in health clinics and in areas with large populations of single parent families. In addition to regular features on legal matters and health care, the paper presents news analysis of women's issues as portrayed by other media. Often, an issue stresses a particular theme. Past numbers have dealt with Rural Women, Violence Aganist Women, Health, the Arts, and Consumerism.

HERIZONS' funding base is a blend of donaitons, subscriptions, special fundraising events and advertising. The collective is seeking government grants and intends to emphasize advertising as a revenue source (in hopes of employing a full-time editor in the future and publishing three times a month).
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