Narrative Control Operations Escalate As America Burns

Johnstone, Caitlin
Date Written:  2020-06-13
Publisher:  Caitlin Johnstone Blog
Year Published:  2020
Resource Type:  Article
Cx Number:  CX24795

On reports regarding social and mainsteam media attempting to censor and control narrative surrounding current protests in the US.



Social media outlets were told that they need to censor their platforms to "prevent the fomenting of discord," but obviously they didn't move quickly enough, because the discord has been well and truly fomented. And now they are in a mad scramble to prevent Americans from hearing what people in foreign nations have to say about that, still apparently laboring under the delusion that this anything other than homegrown, purebred, cornfed, American-as-apple-pie discord.

The most distinctive feature of the last four years has been expanding consciousness. Expanding consciousness of media corruption, of DNC corruption, of government corruption, of the excessive amount of power wielded by the US presidency and the absurd esteem people used to have for that position, of the abuse of immigrants, of police militarization, of unhealed racial wounds, etc.

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