
Year Published:  1982
Resource Type:  Organization
Cx Number:  CX2471

Auto-psy is the new name of A.Q.P.S. - l'association Québécoise des psychiatrisés (ées) et des sympathisants (es).

Auto-psy is the new name of A.Q.P.S. - l'association Québécoise des psychiatrisés (ées) et des sympathisants (es).

It has been in existence since July, 1980, and is made up of ex-psychiatric patients and sympathizers. There are no professionals in the group. It has 188 members, although only ten or fifteen are active.

Auto-psy is mainly interested in psychiatric inmates' rights and acts as liaison between its members and the professional community. The group also tries to promote ties with other self-help organizations.

It has received funding from three sources: Contraide ( which is the United Way), l'Organisation mentale d'éducation populaire, and l'Office des personnes handicappées du Québec. The last gave Auto-psy a grant to do a one-hour video-tape on life in psychiatric institutions.

Members have just completed a guide to the effects of psychotropic drugs, and are now working on an inmates' rights pamphlet. Their book on psychotropic drugs is presently being distributed free to mental health consumers by the social services department in Québec City.

Auto-psy is run on a democratic basis and has a "conseil administratif" (board of directors) made up of seven members. Elections are held once a year.

People who need help for emotional problems and who come to Auto-psy are usually referred to another group called Coupe-Circuit. They can be reached at the same number as Auto-psy. Auto-psy also maintains ties with l'Association Québécoise pour la promotion de la santé, a group that concerns itself with promoting health in general.
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