Health Professionals for Nuclear Responsibility
Organization profile published 1981

Publisher:  Health Professionals for Nuclear Responsibility, Montreal, Canada
Year Published:  1981
Resource Type:  Organization
Cx Number:  CX2273

Health Professionals for Nuclear Responsibility is a group that feels a responsibility to educate the public about the prevention of disease and the promotion of health.

Health Professionals for Nuclear Responsibility is a group that feels a responsibility to educate the public about the prevention of disease and the promotion of health. They believe that one serious health hazard is environmental pollution from radioactive substances. They argue that the proliferation of nuclear power plants and nuclear weaponry presents an unparalled threat to human survival.

The purpose of Health Professionals for Nuclear Responsibility is to educate physicians and health care providers about the medical dangers of nuclear radiation, so that they might in turn educate their patients and the public at large. Their goal is the realization of the following recommendations: 1) a moratorium on building nuclear power plants and the phasing out of existing ones; 2) termination of our policy of exporting nuclear technology to other countries; 3) promotion of epidemiological studies of populations exposed to nuclear radiation; 4) promotion of nuclear weapons disarmament and 5) the development of conservation policies and renewal energy sources.

Current projects of the group include: 1) a film series on nuclear and peace issues at the McGill Medical School; 2) the organization of an environmental health committee for the Department of the Environment of Quebec; 3) the promotion of Radiation Dose booklets for consumers of medical procedures (x-rays, etc.) ; involvement in local hospital control committees for radio-active materials used in procedures.

This abstract was published in the Connexions Digest in 1981.
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