Canadian Peace Research Institute
Organization profile published 1981
Publisher:  Canadian Peace Research Institute (CPRI), Huntsville, Canada
Year Published:  1981
Resource Type:  Organization
Cx Number:  CX2135

The Canadian Peace Research Institute (CPRI) was founded in 1961 as a non-profit organization to research scientifically the causes of war and the requirements for a world without war. It was started with the support of 25,000 Canadians contributing $250,000 in a cross-country campaign. The institute has been the recipient of grants from UNESCO, Canada Council, the Guggenheim Foundation, Laidlaw and Donner among others, but the main support comes from concerned individuals.

The goal of the Institute has been to conduct research into the various causes of war, for example, the psychological, economic, historical and sociological factors. Institute scientists have researched United Nations voting patterns, the arms race, attitudes and military attributes of nations. CPRI has also had an active education program, including summer schools in peace research.

The institute has engaged in education at the University and high school levels and has a publications program. A list of the Institute's books and journals is available on request from the above address.

This organization no longer exists.
This abstract was published in the Connexions Digest in 1981.

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