House on Laval Street

Pascal, Gerry
Year Published:  1977  
Pages:  1pp  
Book Type:  Almanacs

Resource Type:  Article
Cx Number:  CX323

This article in the February edition of Benedict Labre House's paper gives a brief history of Le Groupe de l'Avenir and the alternate services it has created.

Abstract:  This article in the February edition of Benedict Labre House's paper gives a brief history of Le Groupe de l'Avenir and the alternate services it has created. There is no analysis of this organization of men from skid row but there is a description of the steps in its development. The initial work of Jacques Laurin and Pierre Tremblay of Montreal with a Paulo Frieze style is briefly described. It was partly upon this base that Jack Tremblay of Montreal City Mission then helped to organize Groupe de l'Avenir.
Thirty men who used various Montreal services had a weekend together at a camp. There they identified a number of major problem areas such as insufficient food, high cost of lodging, health and alcoholism problems, lack of work, and recreation. Since that time, they have developed a co-operatively managed
housing venture, a drop-in centre and a co-operative food service. The group is planning to incorporate and to continue work on the issues it has identified with the support of Montreal City Mission and other services in Montreal.