
NEWS & LETTERS, June-July 2006

Defend Khalfani Khaldun!

Khalfani Malik Khaldun, a New Afrikan political prisoner who is confined at the Wabash Valley Correctional Facility in Indiana, is involved in an important struggle against abuse by the prison authorities.

On March 17, prior to recreation time, Khafani was subjected to verbal abuse by a prison guard who has been harassing him for months. The officer threatened to "take him on" physically. After reaching the exercise yard, Khalfani noticed that there was no basketball and asked for one. He placed his hands inside the cuff port to be handcuffed, but the officers did not close the cuffs. Then the door leading from the yard opened, and the officer challenged him to a fight. Before Khalfani could react, he was hit in the face and knocked down.

Khalfani reports, "My hands were already loose, so I automatically responded in self-defense. I pushed the door open and entered the range. Both officers attempted to jump me but I exploded, knocking one into a corner. The other officer attempted to mace me. A lot of blows were exchanged. A third officer attempted to take me down. Several staff arrived, and then others entered the range (approximately 10-20 officers). They slammed me to the ground, placed me in handcuffs and shackles, and then escorted me to the shower after first giving me several kicks in my rib cage and smashed my head and face into the concrete."

Following this assault, he was charged with three separate Code 102 Battery Charges that alleged serious bodily injury. All of the officers involved returned to work the following day. On March 23 he was sentenced to three years in disciplinary segregation, deprived of 900 earned good days, and placed on 12 months phone restriction because of the incident.

Khalfani states, "Self defense is not a crime, and as a man I will never willingly surrender to being anyone’s victim. Since the incident the officers are spreading a lot of false rumors that I don’t have any family or real support from the outside. I guess it makes them feel confident that they’ll get away with their violations against me. I am currently preparing a request for an interstate compact transfer to an out-of-state facility. Anyone wanting to voice your anger and support of me can do so by sending an email to the Commissioner of the Indiana Department of Corrections."

Write to: Commissioner J. David Donahue (317) 232-5711; jdonahue@doc.in.gov and Deputy Commissioner Edward B. Motely (317) 232-5568; emotley@doc.in.gov. You may send a letter to a final review authority advising that he dismiss or modify the three charges to Charles A. Penfold, Final Review Authority, Indiana Government Center South, 302 W. Washington St., Indianapolis, IN 47838.

Khalfani can be contacted at: Bro. Khalfani Malik Khaldun #874304 (Leonard McQuay), WVCF, Cell B-902 SHU PO Box 1111, Carlisle, IN 47838.

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